During the canonization ceremony of Sister Faustina, on April 30th, 2000, at St. Peter’s Square in Rome, the Holy Father John Paul II prayed with these words: And you, Faustina, a gift of God to our time, a gift from the land of Poland to the whole Church, obtain for us an awareness of the depth of Divine Mercy; help us to have a living experience of it and to bear witness to it among our brothers and sisters. May your message of light and hope spread throughout the world, spurring sinners to conversion, calming rivalries and hatred, and opening individuals and nations to the practice of brotherhood. Today, fixing our gaze with you on the Face of the Risen Christ, let us make our own your prayer of trusting abandonment and say with firm hope: “Jesus, I trust in You!”. The apostles of Divine Mercy say this prayer, too, calling for St. Faustina’s powerful intercession.