On September 17th, Fr. Tomasz Galis, Bishop of the Zilina Diocese, will bless monumental Stations of the Cross on Mount Butkov in Slovakia. Each of the stations is carved out in the rocks of the mountain and is accompanied by words of Jesus cited from the Diary of St. Faustina. The stations are located on a new road leading through the forest over 800 m and to a chapel which was dedicated this May. The Chapel of Divine Mercy, together with the church in Ladce (to be dedicated on 8 October 2016) creates an unusual rock Shrine of Divine Mercy. Holy Mass at 3.30 pm on Mount Butkov (11th level of the stone quarry) will be chaired by Bishop Tomasz Galis, and it will be preceded by a prayer at the Hour of Mercy and Chaplet of Divine Mercy led by sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy. Each participant of this event will receive a prayer book with commentaries concerning the Stations of the Cross based entirely on the Diary of St. Faustina.