On June 2 (Thursday) in the late afternoon, the 15th National Walking Pilgrimage from Częstochowa will arrive in the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow to pray in front of the miracle-famous image of Merciful Jesus and the tomb of St. Faustina. More than three hundred pilgrims with Fr. Mariusz Bernyś and Fr. Michał Dłutowski left the “House of the Virgin” of Jasna Góra on May 28, to arrive after five days at the “House of Merciful Jesus and St. Faustina” in Łagiewniki. Along the way, the pilgrims visited numerous shrines, and offered the toil of walking and their prayers for the intention families and our homeland. The pilgrimage is guided by the slogan “Divine Mercy – the last resort”. At the end of the pilgrimage, morning Mass will be celebrated in the basilica on June 3. The organizer of the pilgrimage is the Promień Bożego Miłosierdzia (Ray of Divine Mercy) foundation.