Traditionally, the night before the feast of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn (from 15 to 16 November) is celebrated by sisters from many convents of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy by prayer. This time, the vigil will take place at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Płock at the Old Market. At this “starting point” of the prophetic mission of St. Faustina (the place of revelation of Merciful Jesus and the Feast of Mercy), the sisters will focus prayerfully on the mystery of the merciful Love of God to rediscover the fact that they are beloved and chosen to bring the message of Mercy to the world. In the ending Jubilee of Mercy, they will give thanks for all the graces that the Congregation, the Holy Church, our homeland and the world have received during this time. There will also be emphasis on atonement and pleas for God’s Mercy on us and the whole world. As always, Holy Mass will be celebrated at midnight, and the remaining time will be filled by communal adoration and personal prayers.