This is the title of a new book, which is an interview with Pope Francis done by Andrea Tornielli, a journalist from the daily paper La Stampa. The book is aboutthe Mercy of God and human mercy. The book was releasedon January 12 in 86 countries. The Name of God Is Mercy is divided into 9 chapters that discuss various issues, such as the time of mercy, the concept of mercy in the context of compassion, sinners, the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how to fruitfully experience this Jubilee of Mercy. When asked what key lessons we should learn during this Holy Year, the Pope responded that we should be open to the Mercy of God, that we should open ourselves and our hearts and allow Jesus to come out to meet us. He said that we should confidently approach the confessional and try to be merciful towards others. The Pope illustrates many of his statements with examples from his own life. And so this book is not a theoretical lecture or a theological treatise, but rather a conversation about mercy, full of reflections that encourages Christians to learn about God in the mystery of His Mercy and to transform their lives in this spirit. Then the fruits of this holy time in the Church will be abundant and lasting.